Rùn-dìomhair Rìoghail (A Royal Secret)
Jessy Carlisle
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Kinderbücher bis 11 Jahre
The King has long a prisoner been, in a dungeon over in Spain, while Willie of the Winsbury, of his daughter's heart took gain. Now the King has returned to find the betrothed Princess's belly a little round and decides to have Willie hung! Her heart is broken but Willie has a plan to marry her. But what if the stableman betrays him first?
Based upon the famous Childs' Ballad 100, this classic suspense-filled romance has been newly adapted to be set around horse riding, making it a perfect mystery for girls! Lavishly decorated throughout, the illustrator went well beyond the series' usual standard, making as much a delight to the eyes as to the heart.
Bilingual Legends #525 is in English & Gàidhlig (Scots Gaelic).
teaching, riding, language acquisition, marry, foreign language, Scots, bilingual childrens books, youth, language classroom, pregnancy, suspense, language teaching, princess, study, medieval, parenting, teenage, horse, love, Willie, language resources, mystery, stories, infatuation, royalty, Gàidhlig, children, bilingual english gaelic, stables, coming of age, ballad, horses, language learning, education, heart, young adult, girls, romance, Scottish, poetry, poetic, marriage, Scotland, classic, Winsbury, bilingual childrens, picture