Thine is the Papal, the Power, & the Painter / A ti il papa, la pussonza ed il pictur
Jessy Carlisle
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Kinderbücher bis 11 Jahre
In 1527, chaos reigns as the Emperor's unpaid rogue army sacks Rome. The sworn duty of Captain Casper of the Swiss Guard is to save the Pope's life, but along the way he must attend to many lesser tasks. Meanwhile, a mercenary has an unexpected spiritual encounter with a painter who won't be disturbed.
#735 in the Bilingual Legends series is in English and the Sursilvan dialect of Romansh, an endangered indigenous language of Switzerland.
foreign language, language acquisition, language classroom, Vatican, language teaching, legends, Swiss, Christianity, bilingual childrens books, history, fighting, Sack of Rome, Swiss guard, stories, Romansh, minority, Michaelangelo, Pope, faith, sack, education, Rome, painter, endangered, Clement, Julius, Christian, bilingual, children, language proficiency, 1527, language, language practice, language learning, holy, lingustics, loyalty, language resources, combat, language fluency, war, Sursilvan, guard, study, English, teaching