Reason I Love Flower
Lee Jeon-Rok
This collection is the second poetry collection by author, Lee and consists of 173 poems in 5 parts as follows:The reason I Love FlowersI Call Them GodsHappiness is GrowingI will Love Even After I DieThe Flower That the Wind LoversThis poetry collection visualizes love as a flower , and compares all the emotions felt through love to flowers , and it is a portry collection filled with poems that sing love is realizing being human.Author told that the realization of love is the realization of being human. He sh.eds endless tears while contemplation the flowers blooming sadly. Hi is desperately wating for the flowers to boom and fully bloom. Can the song of flowers be this beautiful? To love is to discover the pure self within , Pure flowers beautifully purify our Hearts. Flowers are being that brighten up the worn-out world. This is the reason he loves flowers.