Bearing Untold Stories - Life on (and off) the Autism Spectrum
Helen Hughes
Begin-A-Book Independent Publishers
Schule und Lernen / Lernhilfen / Abiturwissen
You may have heard of it, but do you really know what it is? Can any of us, with confidence, say that we truly understand how autism impacts people and what we can do to offer positive support and recognition?
In this book, Occupational Therapist and Autism Consultant Helen Hughes, opens the doors to autism and associated conditions in a way never before seen. With the benefit of her 30-plus years of clinical and personal experience, along with exhaustive research, she introduces us to a series of unique life stories written by people whose lives are touched by autism in some way.
This book will show how incredible the autistic mind can be, often despite years of silent suffering whilst living in a society ill-equipped to understand. This book lifts the lid on autism and is a must-read for those affected by autism, professionals, parents and carers and the general population alike.
"Bearing Untold Stories" is an absorbing and thought-provoking read which includes first-hand accounts which are real, true and unapologetically emotional.
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