More About Life in the World Unseen
Saturday Night Press Publications
Ratgeber / Lebensführung, Persönliche Entwicklung
More About Life in the World Unseen is the sequel to Life in the World Unseen, though it can be read in its own right, being an account of the passing of a young man and his introduction to the life there, in the care of Monsignor and Ruth. They visit the city with its beautiful buildings, a nursery-garden where he sees a flower created, and meets evolved beings from other levels. Once again, Monsignor Benson provides a compelling look at spirit life, covering covering many aspects, from them collecting the young man at his point of death, his first impressions and excitement at the possibilities the life holds.
service, afterlife, Spirit World, colour, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, buildings in spirit, Anthony Borgia, Life in spirit, Chaldean, music, death