Human Rights and the Courts
Fiona Barrie, et al, Paul Ashcroft, et al.
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Sozialwissenschaften allgemein
Contains the text of the Human Rights Act 1998, the Articles and Protocols together with a concise explanation of key pointsThis centrally important handbook is of particular throughout 2000 as courts and practitioners working in the courts train for implementation of the Human Rights Act 1998. It focuses on the everyday magistrates' court jurisdiction (including criminal proceedings, youth courts, civil matters and family proceedings courts) and contains a wealth of information in summary form about:The European Convention On Human Rights The Human Rights Act 1998 Key concepts and jargon Basic principles and the need for a positive approach Comparison and compatibility with UK Law Convention rights: Article by Article - and in a snapshot Working examples and a guide to some everyday procedures Key UK and European legal rulings in outline The impact on judicial and administrative decision-making Human rights in and around the courtroom The effect on the family and youth court jurisdictions Human Rights and the Courts: Bringing Justice Home was devised in consultation with the Lord Chancellor's Department and Judicial Studies Board, and produced under the auspices of the Justices' Clerks' Society. The authors-all experienced Lawyers holding senior positions in the Magistrates' Courts Service-were members of the Working Group which produced the national Human Rights training materials for magistrates and their legal advisers.