From Earth to Infinity
Tony Amca
Belletristik / Briefe, Tagebücher
Written in near-diary format, this is probably one of the greatest epic adventures ever told. Adapting to life in the more advanced human world of Vluvidium, Tony shares it all with the Reader, “as he lives it”, while relentlessly rising through its social ranks; propelled by fate, circumstances, and some of his “attributes” ... But more than Power and Wealth, he seeks to understand the ultimate Why of it all, without betraying his roots or allegiances.
With many opposed to this, and severely limited by Vluvidium’s strict Space Charter, one of Tony’s 10ths is sent
to Earth and left to his natural resourcefulness. However, he soon realises that there are sinister powerful forces at work against him here; whilst SETI, the CIA and similar others continue to try to find out for sure, but ever so cautiously, whether they are dealing with some sort of E.T., a delusional Writer, or an oddball with no past...?