Index to The Collected Works of Eugene Halliday
John Zaradin, Andrew W. Moore, Hephzibah Yohannan, et al.
Sachbuch / Lexika, Nachschlagewerke
An Index forming a study guide to "The Collected Works of Eugene Halliday". Eugene Halliday (1911-1987) was an artist, writer and psychotherapist. Drawing on many traditions of human knowledge - the texts of world religions, mystical schools such as Qabalah, poetry, philosophy and theology (Blake, Milton, Nietzsche, Boehme) , psychology (Jung) and modern science (Einstein) - he related and interpreted all of these, making them comprehensible and accessible. This work was the foundation of his creation of a psychotherapeutic method from which many were to benefit in the years following the second world war, and which is still of relevance and benefit to us today. His books form a comprehensive guide to self-development, both psychological and spiritual; and an interpretation of the wisdom traditions, East and West, for modern students of consciousness studies, philosophy, psychology, science, religion and hermeneutics.
free will, living, psychotherapeutic method, Carl Jung, consciousness studies, Blake, philosophy of religion, philosophy, Bible, Biblical hermeneutics, compendium, self-development both psychological and spiritual, awareness, self, symbology, holistic, wisdom traditions East and West, Index, self-discovery, Nietzsche, world religions, philosophy of science, human knowledge, reflexive self-consciousness, religion, theology, wisdom, psychotherapy, science, psychology, hermeneutics, Boehme, Einstein