Detailing and Modifying Ready-to-Run Locomotives in 00 Gauge
George Dent
Ratgeber / Modellbau
The 00 gauge ready-to-run market has changed dramatically over the past decade, with supreme levels of accuracy, detail, finish and mechanical performance now becoming the standard benchmark of all new models. As the hobby continues to blossom, an increasing range of steam, diesel and electric subjects now find themselves in the catalogues of the leading manufacturers. Have the days of super-detailing and repainting our models now gone, or is there still a place for a more 'hands-on' approach to the hobby of railway modelling? Professional model-maker George Dent suggests that even these state of the art models can be improved and offers a plethora of ideas and projects to produce some unique and highly detailed miniature locomotoves. The book covers prototypes from the beginnings of British Rail's Modernisation Plan up to the present privatised scene and aims to cater for all skill levels. This detailed look at the ready-to-run locomotives in 00 gauge is aimed at railway modellers of all skill levels and includes information on tools, techniques and materials, painting, weathering and adding further enhancements.Superbly illustrated with 386 colour photographs.