The Cabaret of Plants
Richard Mabey
Sachbuch / Biographien, Autobiographien
In The Cabaret of Plants, Mabey explores the plant species which have challenged our imaginations, awoken our wonder, and upturned our ideas about history, science, beauty and belief.
Picked from every walk of life, they encompass crops, weeds, medicines, religious gathering-places and a water lily named after a queen. Beginning with pagan cults and creation myths, the cultural significance of plants has burst upwards, sprouting into forms as diverse as the panacea (the cure-all plant ginseng, a single root of which can cost up to $10,000), Newton's apple, the African 'vegetable elephant' or boabab - and the mystical, night-flowering Amazonian cactus, the moonflower.
Ranging widely across science, art and cultural history, poetry and personal experience, Mabey puts plants centre stage, and reveals a true botanical cabaret, a world of tricksters, shape-shifters and inspired problem-solvers, as well as an enthralled audience of romantics, eccentric amateur scientists and transgressive artists. The Cabaret of Plants celebrates the idea that plants are not simply 'the furniture of the planet', but vital, inventive, individual beings worthy of respect - and that to understand this may be the best way of preserving life together on Earth.
A happy tangle of beautiful stories and studies from a career that has stepped between science and poetry ... We are lucky to have him.
Enraptured, visionary, witty and erudite
There are so many delights to be found in <i>The Cabaret of Plants</i> - from the hunt for the elusive Amazonian moonflower, to the wonder of self-rejuvenating yews that defy efforts to determine their age, to the sprouting of an extinct Judean palm from a 2,000 year-old excavated seed - and Mabey keeps us enthralled from first to last.
One of this century'
His language is as rich as the flora he describes ... he makes his case utterly convincingly
A treat not to miss ... the prose is so gorgeous it makes you want to clap
Wonderfully thought-provoking... of all his 30-plus books this is surely among his finest, an eclectic world-roaming collection of stories... lacing colour, intimacy and emotional texture around the scaffold of hard facts.
Left me delighted - and seeing the world a little differently
Mr Mabey is the kind of person you wish you had with you on every country walk, identifying, explaining, deducing, drawing on deep knowledge lightly worn.
The finest current flowering of a great British tradition ... it makes you feel that your home is much bigger and stranger than you ever imagined and it makes you glad -- no, astounded -- to be alive.
The summation of a lifetime of looking at plants and reflecting on them ... the book reads as a happy tangle of beautiful stories and studies from a career that has stepped between science and poetry
Mabey is on eloquent form in this portrayal of plants not as dully functional components of natural capital -- a "biological proletariat" -- but as unruly, autonomous and endlessly fascinating. This engaging scientific and cultural tour takes in ice-age engravings of plant forms; ancients and giants such as bristlecone pines and baobabs; the vast biodiversity of maize (corn); and, as touched on by plant scientist Ian Baldwin (Nature 522, 282-283; 2015), Erasmus Darwin's discovery of "irritability"
Margaret Mee, William Wordsworth, Robert Macfarlane, Romanticism, Literature, Garden, Fern, Oak, Romantic poets, Beech, Botany, Kew Gardens, Natural history, Dendrology, Gardening, Carl Linnaeus, Charles Darwin, John Ruskin, Orchid, Yew, Baobab, Andrea Wulf, Environment, Flower, Cycad, Science, Biology, Alexandra Harris, John Keats, Trees, John Muir, Patrick Barkham, Jenny Uglow, Ecology, John Lewis Stempel, Roger Deakin, Horticulture, Samuel Coleridge, Mark Cocker, Plants