Unhappily Ever After
Tom Phillips
Belletristik / Märchen, Sagen, Legenden
As children, we are told common fairy tales, all seemingly having happy ever afters. When we grow up, we realise that's not how life works and crave those stories that reflect the messy truths of life. In these detailed retellings of folk tales aimed at adults, discover stories of abandoned men, fools who meet a sticky end, a person still waiting for death, and more. Some in these stories live happily ever after, but not all, as that's just not real life. Tom Phillips retells and expands some of the favourite folk tales he has discovered and told over his many years as a storyteller, making them more gritty and real by giving them room to breathe.
adult myths, myth, fairy tale, folk tale, dark folklore, folklore, storytellers, dark stories, sad stories, storyteller, unhappy endings, legends, legend, adult folklore, fairy tales, folk tales, dark storytelling, dark folk tales, storytelling, death folk tales, myths