Coaching Expertise
Iain McCormick
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Wirtschaft
This book will enable you to develop in-depth coaching expertise. Effective coaches all want to continuously build their skills to help their clients more. Yet widespread evidence shows that although most professionals do initially develop rapidly, more experience does not lead to better outcomes for clients. Coaching expertise uses a scientifically proven form of professional development called deliberate practice to help you greatly develop your skills. It provides a purposeful, systematic method that contrasts sharply with traditional training. It is an enhancement process that is already used widely in sport, medicine, martial arts, psychotherapy, music and many more areas. This is the first book on how to use this approach to help coaches dramatically improve their practice. 'Coaching expertise: Six practical steps for every effective coach' is an easy-to-read informative and very practical guide for coaches. It is written for those who wish to develop excellence in their coaching in a way that goes beyond learning the new bright shiny skill or technique. Written by a highly experienced, internationally recognised author and coach, this book is a very useful and engaging resource for all coaches who wish to develop their capability.