Youth, Power, Performance
Diane Conrad
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
This book draws on over twenty years scholarship from Diane Conrad's academic career in applied theatre research with systemically marginalized youth. It draws on applied theatre research conducted with youth in three specific contexts: in alternative high schools, in a youth jail and with street-involved youth.
By drawing on examples from several projects, highlighting youths’ voices and youths’ creations, the book offers an introduction to the researcher and theoretical considerations for the research, suggests practical strategies for engaging with this youth population, describes the applied theatre process developed. It addresses specific considerations for working with incarcerated youth and with Indigenous youth, and explores the potential demonstrated for youth empowerment through applied theatre, some ethical considerations in conducting such work and the role of applied theatre in social change. The book may be of interest to applied theatre researchers, instructors, practitioners and students, and to drama teachers and youth workers.
practice-as-research, incarcerated youth, Indigenous youth, youth advocacy, youth participatory action research, youth empowerment, cultural production, drama education, social innovation, youth justice, situated ethical practice, street-involved youth