Folk Tales for Health and Wellbeing
Adam Bushnell
Belletristik / Märchen, Sagen, Legenden
These tales have a moral message at their core about how to resolve conflict and evoke peace. The theme of the book is interconnectedness, co-operation, spiritual strength, emotional wellbeing, remaining calm in adversity and the pursuit of happiness through the parables of folk tales. These folk tales, passed on orally for thousands of years, contain wisdom, beauty and an overall feeling of oneness. The collection is not only meant to entertain but also to help establish a sense of calm. The tales are a tool to illuminate the nature of existence and the common threads of humanity. They can help with self-reflection but also give examples of the remarkable things we can achieve when we help one another.
Taoist folk tales, myths, chinese folk tales, vietnam folk tales, emotional wellbeing, healing, legends, china folk tales, mind body spirit, japanese folk tales, co-operation, wellbeing, folklore, interconnectedness, vietnam folklore, Mindful Folk Tales, storytelling, taoism, calmness, herbs, chinese folklore, buddhist folk tales, folk tales, japan folklore, spiritual strength, fairy tales, storyteller, mbs