How to Beat Scammers
Nick Stapleton
<p><b>Scamming costs the worldwide economy billions each year.</b><br><br>Worse,<b> it hits ordinary people where it hurts</b> <b>the most</b>: whether the life-savings of the <b>vulnerable elderly</b> taken over the phone, young peoples hard-earned cash, whipped away by clicking the wrong online link, or a lump sum taken when you are caught momentarily unaware we are all vulnerable. <b>There is a scam for everyone</b>, and if you havent been stung yet, its only because until now no one has used the right approach.<br><br>Nick Stapleton is the <b>presenter on the BBCs <i>Scam Interceptors</i></b>, an award-winning TV series that teaches viewers how to beat scammers, and has become a guru in the ways of fraud, theft and con-artistry. In this book, <b>the first of its kind</b>, he has put together a <b>fail-safe handbook </b><b>covering all known scams</b>, including advice on how to protect yourself and vulnerable loved ones, what to do if you think youve been scammed and how to go about <b>reclaiming stolen money</b>.</p>