The Scots Kitchen
F. Marian McNeill
Ratgeber / Länderküchen
The Scots Kitchen, first published in 1929, gives a delightful account of eating and drinking in Scotland throughout the ages, with definitive recipes for all the traditional national dishes. Cookery writer and broadcaster Catherine Brown describes the impact this pioneering book has had on the whole of Scottish cuisine and traces the fascinating life story of Marian McNeill herself. Notes explain how to use the book so that its treasure trove of recipes, covering the whole gamut of Scottish cuisine, can be explored in the modern kitchen. The contents includes: Soups * Brose and Kail * Fish * Game and Pultry * Meat * Vegetables * Sauces * Snacks and Savouries * Puddings and Pies * Sweets * Bannocks, Scones and Tea-breads * Cakes and Shortbreads * Preserves * Sweeties * Beverages
Food and Drink, Scots Kitchen, cooking history, National Cooking, Classic Scottish books, National Cuisine, Hebridean Baker, best books on scottish cooking, food history, scottish history, Classic Cookbook, Scottish Food, Classic Scottish Cooking, traditional cooking