Fat Boy's Book
Elmer Wheeler
Where and Why The Fat Boy's Book was written...Sitting quietly at Chambers of Commerce luncheons and banquets, waiting my turn on the lecture platform, gave me the idea of the need for a Fat Boy's Book.I began to observe around me the hodge-podge collection of "e;banker's shapes,"e; affluent men who had made good, then relaxed and put on bay windows. Then I looked at myself.It was nice to see so much success in America, Land of Big Appetites and Opportunity, but, unfortunately, success had settled at the belt lines.So, surrounded by my best inspirations, I started to write, and many a Chamber secretary will now know for the first time what I was scribbling on the back of the song sheet "e;God Bless America!"e; It was The Fat Boy's Book.BE A MAN OF DISTINCTION: SWITCH FROM FAT TO TRIM