Dan Dare
Peter Milligan
Dan Dare, the alien princess Au Taween, Digby and Professor Peabody have successfully boarded the mysterious Treen ship that had invaded the Sol system. From his moon base prision, the Mekon hacked into the Treen ship and released and incredibly virulent Treen computer virus that not only infected the ship's computer systems but also somehow infected the alien crew itself. Unfortunately the virus also attacked Dan and the others. Dangerously sick, it was only the timely intervention of The Mekon that saved their lives when he engineered a cure for the computer virus. However, after she had recoverd and come face-to-face with The Mekon, Au Taween went beserk, snatched a guard's gun and attempted to shoot him. Dan stepped between them and attempted to protect The Mekon, just as Au Taween preparted to fire