Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Religion/Theologie
Since innumerable books and excerpts examining the phenomenology of the Tao can not adequately express its essence, this book investigates the Tao's ontological aspect to understand the mechanism of metaphysical phenomena. This is to keep and follow the right path, as Buddha said: Be a lamp unto yourself.
1. Everything exists in its wholeness. An eventual analysis will create two parts: the physical and metaphysical parts.
Buddhahood possesses immeasurable power, Ultimate Omniscience/ UO, and other attributes like ingenuity, infinite light, sound, and non-discrimination, which are the origin of the Creation of the Universe.
2. The Soul or Consciousness/ CS is imperceptible to the sensory organs. Synaptic connections represent memory. As a result, the Soul must be attached to the Default Mode Network/DMN where Memory/ MM is stored. Since the Soul is the product of the Big Bang, it is likely constituted by Dark Matter/ DM and Neutrinos sharing its properties. Since the Soul represents Consciousness, Neutrinos may be an elementary particle of Consciousness.
3. The UO recognizes the data as a whole package. Although the UO can form knowledge, the data must be integrated into the nervous system to coordinate with any motor activity. This process constitutes the filtering system composed of five sensory organs or Veils of ignorance that distort the data.
4. The brain is a box of prediction because the brain contains all the information for predicting future events. In consciousness formation, the error detection system will trigger the MM in the DMN for comparison and then label the incoming data. In Meditation, the Intra-Parietal Sulcus /IPS aims to minimize incoming information; due to the absence of external input, MM from the DMN is retrieved and will render the synaptic unstable, susceptible to neuroplasticity phenomenon.
5. After the sentient's death, the ensoulment into a new body is the imprint of the Karma the Soul carries. Supernatural phenomena like Out of Body Experience/ OBE and Near Death Experience/ NDE share many characteristics with psychedelic-drug effects, Dreams, and biochemical cerebral hypoxic changes. The natural pathway of most NDE and OBE represents not only the neuroscience pathway but the additional "non-local" extension of the Soul. After death or in Meditation, the brain becomes "transparent," enabling the Soul to be non-local.
6. The universe is bound to the rule of duality and plurality. As a result, one body may harbor more than one Soul. , In some circumstances, double or triple Identity/ ID can account for disorders like Dissociated Identity Disorders (DID) or Sleepwalking.
7. The veil of ignorance is not the obliteration of intelligence, but the deviation and restriction of the CS to different areas, like denial of the metaphysical world ignorance. CS is deep in insight but narrow in extent. Awareness that does not require much attention; is broad in extent but superficial in insight. Enlightenment develops as the extension of Awareness.
8. Karma is the cause of the loss of free will. The Soul is predestined to a mandate for the entire life. Humans only have the free will to act according to Morality: Four immeasurable Minds. Otherwise, free will eventually create more karma.
9. The spiritual path of Meditation often consists of Samantha (calm state), Samadhi (mindfulness), Contemplation, and Realization of Awareness and Buddhahood, but meditators often lack understanding mechanisms of Meditation.
10. Despite the illusion, the noumenon of this nature and the reality of the metaphysical realms are not deniable.
Buddhism, Mindfulness, Meditation, Neuroscience, Consciousness