Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
Royden Clogstoun
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
"The Clogstouns served India generation after generation as dolphins follow in line across the open sea." - Rudyard Kipling
Inspired by the serendipitous discovery of his family's deep ties to British India, former diplomat Royden Clogstoun embarked on a four-year journey through the British Library's archives to uncover the intertwined stories of the Clogstoun and Pattle families.
Both deeply personal and sweeping in scope, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen brings to life colonial India and the remarkable people who shaped it. Drawing on personal letters, marriage records and ties to prominent figures, Clogstoun traces his family's journey from the Scottish Lowlands to British India, the West Indies, Ceylon and beyond.
At the heart of the narrative are the Clogstouns, who served with distinction as soldiers, policemen and civil servants under the Honourable East India Company, and the seven legendary Pattle sisters-described by Virginia Woolf as "excitable, unconventional, extreme in one form or another, all of distinguished presence and gifted with a curious mixture of shrewdness and romance."
Set against the backdrop of British India's colonial history, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen explores resilience, ambition and the enduring bonds of family-and is a compelling chronicle of a family whose service and influence left an indelible mark on the fabric of British colonial society.
india history, clogstouns, pattles, british india