Divine Union of the Masculine & Feminine
Katrina Bos
Ratgeber / Familie
What is the true dance between the Universal energies of the Masculine & Feminine? How can we embrace these energies to experience inner happiness, true connection with others, and a feeling like we truly belong?
First, we heal the divide within ourselves, between each other, and all around us. We create a new foundation for how we understand the world. We understand how connection actually happens - through the magnetism of the masculine and feminine.
We soon see how these dynamics have been completely confused in the past generations living within a patriarchal and domination paradigm. We see the power struggles, the separation, and why we've felt so alone.
The Divine Union of the Masculine & Feminine redefines masculine, feminine, and the foundations of true connection so that we can experience the kind of happiness and joy that is truly possible.
divine feminine, intimacy, tantric intimacy, feminine, divine union, masculine, parenting, sex, happiness, tantra, divine masculine, relationships