Loon Cove Summer

Donna Galanti

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Wild Trail Press img Link Publisher

Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Märchen und Sagen


"A warm-hearted novel ... balances profound loss with humor and hope." - Kate Allen, author of The Line Tender

Thirteen-year-old Sarah Richardson is determined that her life will finally get unstuck this summer. She just knows it. Her to-do list? Brave the lake again. Save the loons. Stop missing Mom. Her one bright spot: volunteering at the local wild bird rehabilitation center.

The summer looks even brighter when Sarah meets Theo, the boy staying at her family's Maine lakeside campground who cares about protecting the loons just like she does. But when Sarah's family may have to move, she adds a new to-do item: save their home. And when she suspects Dad is dating Theo's aunt, the naturalist helping research environmental dangers to the loons, Sarah is caught in a new world of grief.

With the looming reality of losing her dad, her home, and the loons, Sarah must make a big statement to take control of her life. Capturing inspiration from her late mother's Appalachian Trail hiking journal, she boldly plans a solo wild adventure. But as her challenges mount, she wonders if her courage will earn her the voice she seeks-or if she's made a reckless choice that just might claim her life.

"This funny and heartfelt novel with a cast of witty eccentrics reminded me that sadness and hilarity can walk hand-in-hand. As sparkling, refreshing, and mysterious as a Maine lake in summertime." - Cathy Carr, author of 365 Days to Alaska

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wildlife, conservation, friendship, bereavement, coming-of-age, adventure, Appalachian Trail, lakes, environmental causes, nature, family, grief and loss, camping, bird conservation