Noah's New Phone
Educate Empower Kids, Dina Alexander
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Kinderbücher bis 11 Jahre
A child very much like your own, Noah discovers how it feels to be on the giving and receiving end of some not-so-friendly behavior on social media. As kids read and see what choices he is faced with, they can easily empathize with his struggles as he learns about the positive and negative power he holds in his hands.
A great read-along book, Noah’s New Phone also includes a handy workbook to reinforce important elements of the story like choices, safety, healthy boundaries and the huge potential that is technology. Full of great discussion questions and simple activities, parents and teachers will find it easy to teach about the ripples of change kids and families can make with technology in our homes, schools, communities, and the whole world.
Perhaps the most important tools ever created, smartphones have changed human interactions and relationships more than anything ever invented. They have changed the way we talk (and don’t talk), the way we do business, engage with our friends, and even how we show love. In our hands, they have the power to create, to build, or to damage and destroy.
As we give these powerful tools to teens and children at younger and younger ages, it has become imperative to start teaching kids early how to behave and interact with others online. This book is a great start!
Digital health, healthy kids, family support, internet safety, social justice, facts of life, friendship, online dangers, digital citizen, technology, phones, kids and technology, social media, tech, life skills, online safety, online bullying, bullying