Neptune, the 12th house, and Pisces - 2nd Edition
Maurice Fernandez
Maurice Fernandez - River of Stars
Ratgeber / Astrologie, Kosmos
Planets and Signs in the 12th house / Neptune in each House and Sign / Transits of Neptune
In this comprehensive study, Maurice Fernandez explores the evolutionary meaning and lessons of Neptune, the 12th house, and Pisces, and lifts the veil on one of the deepest and most misunderstood archetypes of the zodiac. The 2018 edition significantly expands on the original publication (2004), following further extensive research.
Maurice Fernandez shares these stellar insights with tremendous expertise and unprecedented clarity and detail. The evolutionary approach covers seven stages of development for each placement of Neptune, 12th house planets, and planets in Pisces.
- Neptune in each house and sign.
- Planets and signs in the 12th house.
- Planets in Pisces.
- Transits of Neptune.
Astrology, Neptune, the 12th House, Self-Help, Spirituality