Boris Yeltsin

Former Russian President

Patel Dhirubhai Patel

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Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was a Soviet and Russian politician who served as the first President of Russia from 1991 to 1999. Boris YeltsinChapter 1: Boris Yeltsin1.1 University and career in construction: 1949-1955Chapter 2 : Communist Party membership2.1 Moscow2.2 ResignationChapter 3 : President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic3.1 1991 presidential electionChapter 4 : President of the Russian Federation4.1 Confrontation with parliament4.2 Chechnya4.3 Norwegian rocket incident4.4 Privatization and the rise of "e;the oligarchs"e;4.5 Korean Air Lines Flight 0074.6 1996 presidential election4.7 Yeltsin's second term4.8 Attempted 1999 impeachment4.9 Mabetex corruption4.10 ResignationChapter 5 : Electoral history5.1 Life after resignation5.2 Death and funeralChapter 6 : Personal life6.1 Reception and legacyChapter 7 : First Chechen War7.1 Dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation Treaty7.2 Chechen declaration of independenceChapter 8 : Internal conflict in Chechnya and the Grozny-Moscow tensionsChapter 9 : Russian military intervention and initial stages9.1 Storming of Grozny9.2 Continued Russian offensive9.3 Human rights and war crimes9.4 Spread of the warChapter 10 : Continuation of the Russian offensive10.1 Third Battle of Grozny and the Khasav-Yurt Accord10.2 Aftermath10.3 Prisoners and missing persons10.4 Moscow peace treatyChapter 11 : Foreign policy implicationsChapter 12 : Boris Yeltsin 1996 presidential campaignChapter 13 : Campaign strategiesChapter 14 : Campaigning in first round14.1 Announcement of candidacy14.2 Winter 199614.3 Spring 199614.4 Summer 199614.5 Result of the first roundChapter 16 : Platform and positions16.1 Economic policy16.2 Military16.3 Ending the Chechen War16.4 Social policy16.5 Soviet reunificationChapter 17 : Image management17.2 Media17.3 Favorable media bias17.4 Advertising17.5 Support from business communityChapter 18 : Campaign organizations

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Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
Patel Dhirubhai Patel
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