Jerome B. Imhoff
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
Sandbox101represents the collective wisdom of the ages, stories and advice from old men and old women who have learned the lessons over many years through education, trial and error, careers, families and experience. The goal is to expose the reader to ideas and ideals, to possibly spare that reader the frustration and possible consequences of choices based on insuffi cient knowledge and experience. It is meant to provide food for thought for when challenges are faced in unfamiliar territory. Our world is rapidly changing but the ideals of right and wrong, kindness and consideration will hopefully weather the journey through time, from human interaction, pen and paper, lectures and learning to the ever-changing optics of the electronic mass media and scientifi c discovery. Best of Luck on Your Journey. Jerome B. Imhoff
Learning, Knowledge, Relatability, Journey, Sharing, Generational, Choices, Experience