Conscience of Lawyers in International Criminal Law: The Burden of Doppelgangers
Farhad Malekian
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Internationales Recht, Ausländisches Recht
Empowering ethical codes is vital in all branches of law because without these codes, we would be unable to differentiate between right and wrong in our personal judgments. Lawyers can either be the most precious or most precarious parties in a criminal case-depending on the state of their conscience. In certain cases, immorality replaces morality, and legal norms become pawns in a game, the goal of which is to serve the economic interests of lawyers. Lawyers become a greater threat to the truth when they support the establishment of special tribunals meant to hide the truth, such as was seen in Iraq, or when they receive payment in order to cover up genocide in places such as Myanmar and in the territories of the superpowers. Such lawyers then turn around and condemn the same crimes in places such as China. They speak out against crimes against humanity carried out by the Iranian government, but do not say a single word about the crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide committed by the Saudi Arabian, Israeli, American, French, and British governments. Here, doppelganger puppet attorneys do not present the true image of justice, but rather work to convince the international public that their brutal clients are innocent. The situation becomes even more complicated when we are dealing with very sensitive questions of international criminal justice under various criminal procedures directed by lawyers in the ICJ, the ICC, or in ad hoc tribunals. What is the nature of integrity, impartiality, conscience, truth, and payments, and why are lawyers increasingly being sponsored and directed by outsiders? This book reveals the forbidden truth- an embarrassment and moral weakness of conscience.