Revelation of SOPHIA
Dr. Anthony John Toledo
In a time, long before the present time, there was a peaceful and advanced race of Terrans who lived in harmony. Knowledge and wisdom flourished in this kingdom and the glory of grace was unquestionably strong. Long ago, violence and war had plagued this island nation, but once all islands were united and unified, everything fell into place. There was little contact with anybody outside of the region, but this location was arguably the most beautiful in the world. This nation was thought to be the center of Terra, and among the most peaceful and spiritual Terrans ever known. This was the legendary Kingdom of Lemuria.The Great King of Lemuria was madly in love with his wife. The queen and king had met at a young age, and once their eyes locked there was no separating them. In an instant, as if fate itself had predestined their union, love was actualized and manifested within one another. King Abraxas, son of King Apollo, and Queen Minerva, daughter of Queen Athena; together, they were Lemuria's most potentially prominent rulers. Their love for one another was beyond limits, boundless and immeasurable. The richness of nature in this nation was a direct reflection of the strong bloodlines that have ruled this land for centuries. The shared culture, finances, property, and belongings was a true utopian design that no other nation on Terra had ever accomplished. Everyone practiced their own spiritual and economic endeavors, living out their own philosophy, but with great regard and respect to the ancient practices of the royal family. Although nobody was forced to believe what the royals believed, they were all required to give their attention to one of the traditions. It was required for every citizen of Lemuria to donate to the Kingdom on the first Friday the 13th of the year. One liter of blood would be donated from their first-born child, and everyone had at least three children. This tradition was one that had been ongoing for at least three centuries, and nobody ever questioned royalty's intentions or desires. This nation was the most peaceful and prosperous of all nations of the land, with no homelessness or illness plaguing any of its citizens. Everyone that was born in Lemuria never left this sacred land and everyone who would visit would be jealous and dream of citizenship in this majestic destination. One could only visit Lemuria by invitation and with a Lemurian's invitation, their own reputation being an extension and requirement of the invitation. Few were chosen and even fewer accepted to remain.The land of love was the emergence of the birthright of the most beautiful and attractive of Terra's leaders. In this time and era, King Abraxas and Queen Minerva would pour all their love into one child, who would be given the keys to the Kingdom. Heir to the throne and all its glory, to the beloved and cherished lands of those worthy of its inheritance. Her name would be Sophia, the keeper of knowledge and liberator of oppression, when it arrives. The fulfillment of prophecy and the one who will bear the fruits of truth and wisdom. She will be the daughter of perdition, the righteous mother of the lost. She was, is and will be the long-awaited Moon Child.