Holding the Word
Bill Mowry
Watch the Bible come alive in your life like never before.Many Christians long for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God's Word-but engaging on our own with the Scriptures can be intimidating. We rely on the writings of others to help us understand what it says, or we read simply to gain information without allowing it to personally touch our lives. But the Bible is a living, breathing, life-changing book, and God wants you to have a first-hand encounter with Him through its pages.In Holding the Word, Bill Mowry offers good news: you don't need a theological education to engage with Scripture. Mowry unpacks five spiritual practices-hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating-that will help you personally encounter God every time you open your Bible. This multi-sensory, relationally-rich Bible reading and discipleship tool will transform your relationship with the Author of Scripture.Discover a whole-body experience of the Bible using your senses,Learn from contemporary teaching and brain theory on why relational connection is so important for your walk with God,Develop a lifestyle of integrating the Bible into every aspect of your daily life, leading to personal transformation and spiritual growth and maturity.Let God's Word saturate every aspect of your being. Immerse yourself in the timeless truths of the Bible and discover the abundant life that comes from living and loving God's Word.