Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children Workbook
Rene Robinson
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Sachbücher / Sachbilderbücher
Note to Parents/ Guardians
This book is for anyone who wants to help children with their emotions. I offer you this book which I wrote after a darling nanna came to me and said "My granddaughter lost someone a while ago and I don't know how she is coping" and my thought was "and you don't know what to do."
Look through this book to see what it contains and decide how it might help you.
It can be used as an introduction to emotions so a child can think about their own emotions not just from pictures.
Talk to the child about the book and encourage the child to use it - alone or with you, in a group or classroom.
Remember, it is their book with their own answers and so it is neither right nor wrong.
Be positive and help if or when asked or needed.
However you use this, remember, it is a tool to assist emotional growth and understanding.
Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children Workbook, JUVENILE NONFICTION / General, JUVENILE NONFICTION / Activity Books / General, Rene Robinson, JUVENILE NONFICTION / Art / General