New Complete Guide to Band Saws, Revised and Expanded Edition
Mark Duginske
Ratgeber / Hobby, Haus
Didn't think the New Complete Guide to Band Saws could get more complete? Welcome to the Revised Edition, compiling over 250 illustrations and 3D diagrams to steer you through a comprehensive list of band saw uses. Author Mark Dugsinke, a lifelong woodworker from Merrill, Wisconsin, has spent a lifetime innovating in the world of band saws: his patented woodworking devices are a testament to that. That's why you'll want to review this exhaustive resource: it features chapters on band saw basics, saw shopping, choosing the blade to suit your needs, sawing straight and curved cuts, and more. You'll see lessons for creating jigs and fixtures like an expert. But most of all, you'll know you're in the trusted hands of an expert who knows every detail of what it takes to create the best band saw creations possible. Add it all together and this Revised Edition becomes an essential companion to any band saw enthusiast's shelf.
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