Forbidden Vices
Michael L. Douglas
Charlie Redmond is a fiftysomething former detective who once toiled within the rat race of the Boston Police. He is also an extreme hiker, who does this sport competitively. He decides to leave the bustle of the big city, live a semi-spartan lifestyle, and follow his outdoor passions. He moved north to New Hampshire, settling in Portsmouth. He still keeps in touch with other detectives in the department in Boston, but also has forged new relationships with the Portsmouth PD, specifically Det. Steve Richards, who throws a cold case into his lap. Initially reluctant to do so, Charlie accepts the case, which comes as a request of the victim's daughter, who wants closure. She was very close to her father (the murder victim) and desires justice for the perpetrator. Along the way, Charlie is forced to confront settling old memories and relationships that could impede his progress in solving the case. He often turns to introspection to cope with the increasing complexity of the case and those he investigates. He becomes stronger and his newfound zeal in solving the case sets the stage for further adventures (hence, a series is born).