How to Speak Dog
Amy Morford
Ratgeber / Hobbytierhaltung
Problem Dog? You Can't Train Your Dog If You Don't Speak Dog! How to Speak Dog provides a general overview of dog behavior before specifically focusing in on training solutions for six of the most common dog misbehaviors: aggression, digging, nuisance barking, fear biting, submissive urination, and separation anxiety. In addition to covering basic training and the elimination of problem behavior patterns, this book also discusses clicker training, crate training methods, and the use of positive reinforcement. If you've been struggling to resolve problem dog behaviors or just adopted a new dog and want to be sure that your new household member is well-behaved and well-trained, you've got to learn "dog talk." Details About This Book - Instructs dog owners on how to resolve the most common "problem" behaviors - Includes step-by-step basic dog training tips. - Provides in-depth analysis of a variety of common training methods - Includes a chapter especially tailored to training specif