Thinking in Icons
Felix Sockwell
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Ratgeber / Kreatives Gestalten
Icons shape the way we see the world around us in business, communication, entertainment, and much more. Now is your chance to learn to speak the textless language of icons with Thinking in Icons.
From the most refined corporate visual systems to the ubiquitous emoji, icons have become an international language of symbols as well as a way to make a wholly unique statement. Without even realizing it, billions of people interpret the language of icons each day, this is the designer’s guide to creating the next great statement.
In Thinking in Icons, artist and designer Felix Sockwell--logo developer for Appleand other high-profile companies, as well as GUI creator for the New York Times app--takes you through the process of creating an effective icon. You will cover many styles and visual approaches to this deceptively complex art.
Sockwell also offers examples of his collaborations with Stefan Sagmeister, Debbie Millman, and other luminary designers. Thinking in Icons also features the work Sockwell has done with an impressive roster of blue-chip international brands, including Facebook, Google, Hasbro, Sony and Yahoo.
Michael Beirut, John Korpics, Erik T. Johnson, Stefan Sagmeister, James Victore, Pentagram, Nicholas Blechman, Rodrigo Corral, design, Bill Gardner, graphic symbol, visual symbol, Joe Marianek, creating, marketing, personal branding, AdamsMorioka, Christoph Niemann, illustrator, Thomas Fuchs, Images, designing, image, developing branding, graphical user interface, social media, Debbie Millman, Brian Rea, Josh Friedland, commercial branding