William C. Dietz
JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.
Enslaved after the slaughter of billions by a violent race of aliens called the Saurons, Earth's few remaining humans are forced into back breaking labor building mysterious temples for their new masters. The captors claim that these temples, once finished, will allow them to leave Earth in peace once again. They enlist Alexander Franklin, former governor of Washington, as the head of their puppet government to help manage their mission. Meanwhile, a group of escaped slaves form a resistance movement which grows with each passing day.When former government bodyguard Jack Manning, well-versed in the art of survival, finds himself placed in the center of power as security for Franklin, he learns the brutal truth behind the temples. He faces an agonizing choice: to stay where he is, alongside the woman he loves, or to aid the rebels and their fight for freedom. The survival of the human race hangs in the balance.With intense, fast paced action, an unforgettable hero and a riveting story, DeathDay is the first book in a series by bestselling science fiction author William C. Dietz.