Ghost Hunted
Jason Hess
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
Being a paranormal investigator I have been able to go look for things that go bump in the night. Then I started to think, what if the bump tried bumping you. And Ghost Hunted was made. I took people I knew to develop the characters in the book. A lot of people think I would fashion the main character Mike Taylor after myself, but I didn't. See the first twist of the book, but one character in the book does have some of my quirks. Mike Taylor is a founding member of a group called V.G.H. (Virginia Ghost Hunters) and he leads them into a house that the client claims a spirit killed her husband. With my personal knowledge of investigating I take that and use correct terms and names. I believe this helps bring the investigation more to life. While writing this book I decided to make a series of books featuring Mike Taylor. This will be an ongoing project until I run out of ideas. And trust me I don't see that coming to soon.