The Coach’s Way
Eric Maisel
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
In this first-of-its-kind book, a revered master coach explains exactly how coaches can conduct meaning-filled sessions — and how clients can best benefit from the coaching they receive. Eric Maisel presents thirteen weeks of short daily lessons where you’ll learn the nuts and bolts of coaching — what to say when, how to ask questions, and crucially, how to manifest the
spirit of coaching. Maisel guides you to:
• understand yourself so that you can better understand others.
• prep for coaching with a deep awareness of your and your clients’ goals and mission.
• ask quality questions, handle defensiveness, and grapple with limited progress.
• cheer and encourage to get action and results.
Supremely practical, each of Maisel’s lessons ends with exercises and a journal prompt. The result is an easy-to-use, field-tested guide for current coaches and coaches in training (as well as managers, mentors, and teachers) and an invaluable resource for anyone working with a coach or thinking about working with one.
Personal potential, Creativity, Coaching outcomes, Coaching accreditation, Coaching techniques, Coaching prep, Master coach, Passion, Purpose, Career planning, Creative process, Inspiring others, mentor, Become a coach, Life coach, goals, Vocation, Self-coaching