Dogs Demystified
Marc Bekoff
Ratgeber / Hobbytierhaltung
An all-encompassing and fun reference from an award-winning scientist and dog lover
Dr. Marc Bekoff is an expert at turning cutting-edge science into practical, reader-friendly information. The encyclopedic entries in this book cover everything related to dog care, dog-human relationships, and dog behavior, cognition, and emotions, making this the accessible book that every dog lover should have. In concise, readable A-through-Z entries, Bekoff covers it all, from aggression to pack formation to zoomies, and explores why dogs do what they do; exactly how to meet any dog eye-to-eye, nose-to-nose, and ear-to-ear to understand their world better; and how tuning in to a dog’s unique personality leads to happier dogs and happier human companions.
Understanding dogs, Dog lovers, Ethology, Dog language, Dog training, Canine Companions, Cynology, Citizen science, Dog emotions, Why does my dog eat poop, Dog behavior, Barking, Dog human relationships