Max and Voltaire Sightseeing and Catnapping
Mina Mauerstein Bail
TotalRecall Publications, Inc.
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Kinderbücher bis 11 Jahre
Max and Voltaire: Sightseeing and Catnapping is the second in a series of illustrated chapter books about the rewards of caring for others and coming to the aid of those in need. The messages about making new friends, adapting to change, fostering tolerance, the power of kindness and helping others are gently handled through the filter of Max(a cat) and Voltaire (a dog) and a supporting cast of furry friends and bipeds. Life is full of surprises. Max and Voltaire take us on a journey of discovery on their first travel adventure. They go to the south of France, catch a criminal, save a kitten in distress and make new friends. They challenge us to think that no matter how bad a situation is, we should not lose hope for a better tomorrow. A fun read for children and animal lovers of all ages.<br>
friends, tolerance, change