Solids Process Design and Management, 2nd Edition
Water Environment Federation
The second edition of this publication is intended for use by professionals engaged in the design, approval, and operation of municipal solids treatment and disposal systems in utilities of all sizes. It includes updated information to accounting for the recent changes and improvements in technology and regulatory environment policies. Chapters include updated solids incineration, dewatering information improvements, updates to solar drying information, regulatory environmental policies, utility management, technological advancements, planning, public outreach and involvement, solids production and characterization, design approach, conveyance, conditioning, thickening, waste minimization, anaerobic and aerobic digestion, composting, alkaline treatment, disinfection and stabilization, thermal drying, thermal oxidation, pyrolysis and gasification, transport and storage, odor management, side streams, instrumentation and monitoring, land application and product distribution, landfill management, emerging technologies, and treatment and utilization of green gases.