More We Become
Edward Liu
We have one life to live. What would it mean to create a life where we matter to others and they matter to us, with greater depth and meaning? Imagine if you can take your life to the next level in multiple areas and in the process make a positive difference with those around you! This is the premise of The More We Become. As we obtain greater happiness, clarity, and success in our lives, we increase our ability to lift ourselves and the people around us, making our world a better place. In The More We Become, you will Discover the one thing you can work on that can positively affect you and all your relationships. Learn what you can focus on to expand your happiness. What are the pitfalls of the most common approach to finding personal fulfillment? Uncover how the Law of Attraction works in manifesting your dreams and goals. Take a journey with the author to explore how your inner silence can transform your outer life. Explore a new paradigm on wealth and giving that will not only help you find ways to increase your own wealth, but also make our world a better place. And Much More . . . What makes The More We Become different is that it pushes you to develop your own insights by building on the ideas in the book you find most impactful to your life. There is space on the side on each page (only on print book versions) to write your own thoughts and ideas. Each chapter has both guided and self-reflection questions, allowing you to take ownership of your own growth and take actions toward your dreams and goals.