Why People Get Sick
Eaint Thiri Thu, Putri Widi Saraswati, Clive Tan, et al.
Partridge Publishing Singapore
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
So much of health is rooted in what is collectively known as social determinants of health. It means the conditions and environment in which people are born, grow, live, interact, work and age. People with disadvantaged backgrounds often face barriers to good health. This means they get sick more easily, and it is harder for them to recover. To build awareness and understanding of these issues and experiences, this anthology of stories - real, relatable, from Asia, by Asia – aims to make an impact, that each story will be a discovery, that they will move you, as they illustrate how health inequities are shaped by a multitude of intersecting factors. If you are wondering why people get sick, and some more than others, I invite you to pick up this book and welcome you to a journey of discovery.
Asia, illness narratives, Public Health, Health, Health Equity, Patient journeys, Social Justice