The Horny People’s Guide to Sexercise
Juan Carman Carlos
Ratgeber / Familie
Some people get confused and think exercise is fun. They end up with strange looking bulges on their bodies and sometimes even forget about sex altogether, except perhaps in the mirror. Their genitals seem to somehow get lost in the competition of shapes and bulges. In The Horny People’s Guide to Sexercise, author Juan Carman Carlos offers a light-hearted spoof, a blend of sexual instruction and exercise manual. With anatomically correct stick-figure graphics included, Carlos shares a humorous look at sex and offers tips and advice. He includes such chapters as “Calisthenics vs Aerobics,” “The Two Some,” “Going Solo (Maybe),” and “Machines and How to Adapt Them.” With an index of sexercises and a glossary of weird terms included, The Horny People’s Guide to Sexercise presents a humorous look at the foibles of arts and sports of love for adults only.
exercise, horny, bedroom humor, sex, sexercise