Supporting Early Literacies through Play
Kate Smith, Karen Vincent
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
Bringing together two key areas within early childhood— play and literacy — this book offers an innovative approach to examining literacies within the context of children’s play.
This book:
Introduces students to contemporary theory and research in the field
Explores the debates surrounding young children’s play and how language and literacies are created through a range of play activity
Helps students to reflect on how this knowledge can be applied in their future professional lives working to support young children
Advocating for young children’s play and diverse literacies, this book supports students to develop a depth of knowledge about how play can extend children’s literacies, and encourages early childhood educators to reflect on and enhance their literacy practices with young children.
early literacy, language and literacy, literacy, early years, early childhood, play, literacy through play