The Primary SEND Handbook for Trainee Teachers
Sarah Alix
Schule und Lernen / Lernhilfen / Abiturwissen
All teachers require a clear understanding of the needs of their pupils and how best to support them in the classroom. This book is written to support and guide trainee teachers to understand Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary settings, and how to teach and engage their class in an inclusive way. Packed with all the essential information you need, this book covers the role and responsibilities of the teacher, working with support staff and strategies for the classroom. This essential textbook covers up-to-date policy and legislation, in addition to the four broad key areas of need. Directly linked to the areas of the Core Content Framework, the Early Career Framework and the Teacher’s Standards, this book is written with the goal of helping you to be the best teacher you can.
Teacher training, SEND training, Primary PGCE, SEND PGCE, Primary education, SEND education