How to Build Your Antiracist Classroom
Orlene Badu
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
Taking on the pervasive issue of racism within education Badu offers a practical, no-nonsense guide on building an antiracist classroom. This book takes the reader on a journey from examining their own bias and racial literacy, to developing a diverse curriculum and improving the culture, to effecting wider changes across the school. Whether as an ally or recipient of bias in our society; this book will offer educators a guide to all the things we can do in the classroom to effect profound social change. If you seek to disrupt the cycles of systemic inequality that have existed in society and education for decades, this is the book for you.
Orlene Badu is a Leadership & Education Consultant.
Diversity, Racism, Antiracist, Racial literacy, Representation, Teaching, Education, Bias