Discover Yourself
Amit Agrawal
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
The life of an individual is nearly about eight to ninety years in which we have hundreds of months, thousands of weeks, thousands of days, and around millions of hours, and every hour, we perform many activities. Every activity generates some thoughts in our mind and these are the thoughts that mainly shape our personality and influence our future working. Our daily interaction in many work areas with both living and nonliving things is basically a driver of our thought generation process. Through this, we develop our personality, and we work accordingly. Everyone in this world has grown with different surroundings, and different surrounding is having different living and nonliving things and if all human beings are grown up having different surroundings then all are also having different personality because everyone, after all, learns from his surrounding only. A baby born in an English-speaking family always speak English when he starts speaking , and a baby born in a Hindi-speaking family will always speak Hindi. This is because they learn these things from their surroundings. It is your surroundings that totally dominate your thoughts in day-to-day life, and you take decision as per that. In dominance of those surroundings, some make good decisions and some make bad decisions. Persons taking good decision are successful, and persons taking bad decision are not successful. This book navigates through all such personality traits, which human possess. Books let you understand those personality traits in various situation, surroundings, and thoughts, which are main driver of human beings success.