How to Pass Finals
Sanad Esmail, Jeffrey Stephens, Hasan Haboubi, et al.
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
In How to Pass Finals Single Best Answers in Medicine, the authors provide an invaluable revision aid for medical students approaching their final written exams. Encompassing just over 300 single best answer questions in general medicine, which are systematically arranged according to specialty, the book stretches the candidate in order to maximise their chances of success in the final hurdle before becoming a fully qualified doctor. Complementing a diverse question bank with thorough answer stems that explore the topics being assessed, this book serves a dual purpose: it tests a candidates pre-existing knowledge and understanding in general medicine, whilst simultaneously delivering a myriad of valuable learning points paving the way for further development. With its comprehensive style, How to Pass Finals Single Best Answers in Medicine is ideal for medical students in need of honing their skills and requiring that extra confidence boost in the run-up to the final written examinations.