At•One•Ment: Growing to Knowing God
Jan Ellis
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
So what is AtONEment? Simply, it is an ever-growing relationship with God. It is a conscious and intentional decision on our part to pursue knowing the Lord on a truly personal level. This book will help each seeker to daily receive a fresh perspective on how to grow in their walk with the Creator of the universe and the Father of each heart. Using the individual phrases of the Lords Prayer as a guideline for each months focus, the reader will find insight and incentive to: Realize enhanced relationships Recognize new views on forgiveness, prayer, temptations, and love Renew enthusiasm to pursue Gods will with revitalized trust in His provision. Be filled with the Spirits power to meet each day through the well-chosen words from a treasure-trove of wisdom, from ancient times throughout the ages. Start the journey today, growing and knowing God better and better.