Hit the Beach
Laura Dower
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Jugendbücher ab 12 Jahre
Maddie is going away for the summerwill her friendships back home stay intact?It's summertime in Far Hills and everyone has different plans. Aimee is staying home for her big dance performance; Lindsay is going to London with her dad; Fiona is going back to her hometown in California to visit family and friends; and Madison is going to an environmental camp in Florida. Two weeks away from one another feels like an eternity to the four BFFs. So they come up with the perfect solution: They'll keep a blog to stay up to date on one another's lives. That way, Maddie can tell her friends all about saving the turtles at Camp Sunshineand about the new boy she meets at camp. Will is really cute, but Maddie has a crush on Hart, and only Hartright?Hit the Beach takes place after the Files of Madison Finn, Book 20: All That Glitters and before the Files of Madison Finn, Book 21: Forget Me Not.